Sunday 15 May 2011

Week Three: A Farewell to Freedom

Yes. I have sold my freedom to the "Fat Fairies". But in return my weight loss journey should be much quicker and easier. I have begun a diet, despite my insistence that I didn't want to, and so therefore, wouldn't. It was with a heavy heart that I bade farewell to the endless supply of crisps, cake and other assorted yummies, and began my first Food Journal.

Food Journal's are a valuable tool in weight loss. We can track exactly what we are putting into our bodies, count calories and it could (hopefully) help us to avoid "bad" foods. We are less likely to gorge if we know we will be held accountable for the calories in a Food Journal!

Below is my Food Journal for Week 3 (Starting Thursday). My diet is based on 1,200 calories, but I am lenient with myself if I am feeling truly hungry (as opposed to the dastardly "peckish" and the "bored eating"). So without further ado, may I present my first Food Journal.


To make this successful I am going to have to learn about proper meal balancing; fibers, grains, and all that. Having never cared about what I eat, I am totally naive when it comes to food and nutrition. And just to make it even harder, I am vegetarian. I've never been one to do things in halves... :p

Enough about diets. It's making my brain hurt. Lets take a look at how the rest of the week went...

(I lost the Days of the Week somewhere in the process...)

Only 20 minutes down on the workout chart this week... not too shabby, eh? It's the best week I've had so far. Or so I thought until it was time for the Weigh In...

I must admit I was a little shocked that I didn't lose more than I did this week, especially from the bust. I am pleased, of course, that I haven't gained anything since I have begun. Likewise, I am pleased about finally having some loss from the hips! I'm not deterred in the slightest, just a little disappointed...

Anyway, I must be off. I am still sat here in just my underwear, (see below) and I am freezing. Summer has left us and it seems it has taken my sensibility with it. I can not afford to get ill and take precious days off from my routine. Not when I have a pretty little dress to fit!

See you next week!

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